Monday, October 14, 2013

How to Install Oracle Database 11GR2 in Windows7

How to Install Oracle Database 11GR2 in Windows7

Step1: Download the Oracle database from

Step2: In step-1, you are going to download 2 zip files. Make sure you extract both the zip files into same location/folder on Windows.

Step3: Click on setup.exe which starts the database installation

Step4:  Uncheck the checkbox as shown in below screen, if you dont want to receive security alerts
Oracle DB 11gR2 Win32 Windows2003-02B.jpg

Step5: Ignore the below warning, Click on YES to proceed further.

Oracle DB 11gR2 Win32 Windows2003-03.jpg

Step6:  Choose Create and Configure a database option and click next

Oracle DB 11gR2 Win32 Windows2003-04.jpg

Step7: Select Desktop Class if you are installing the Oracle on your personal laptop/desktop and click next

Oracle DB 11gR2 Win32 Windows2003-05.jpg

Step8: Accept the default paths and SID info as shown in below screen and click next
Oracle DB 11gR2 Win32 Windows2003-06.jpg

Step9:Installation do some memory checks and after sometime you could see the below screen
Oracle DB 11gR2 Win32 Windows2003-09.jpg

Step10: Click FINISH in above screen and installation starts
Oracle DB 11gR2 Win32 Windows2003-10.jpg

Step11: Note that step-10 take time to install the database and after few minutes you will get below window (DBCA) which creates and configures the database

Oracle DB 11gR2 Win32 Windows2003-11.jpg

Step-12: Installation completes and the below screen will display
Oracle DB 11gR2 Win32 Windows2003-12.jpg

Step13: Click on Password Management to change password of system accounts like sys, system, scott etc....

Step14:After the installation, you can access enterprise managet by using following link

OEL DB 11gR2 64bit screenshot-17B.jpg

OEL DB 11gR2 64bit screenshot-18.jpg

Step15: Congratulations, Oracle Database is now ready to use :)

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